Love Always - Coach J
When the day is done and you've done all you can, grab your favorite blanket and the most comfortable pillow and rest. Shut off your digital devices. Take a moment of thanks for the lessons the day brought and focus on the good in your life. It doesn't matter if it's one thing against a hundred, find the good and focus on it. As that warmth consumes you relax every inch of your body as if you were floating on a cloud. as you relax let you r mind be lifted to the place of renewal and peace. Recharge.
Love Always - Coach J
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One of my favorite guiding principles established by an extremely high functioning organization is Bring more energy to work than you take. This sounds wonderful, and you can execute this by your own will power, and what is magnificent with the organization I speak of is they have an entire team that buys into this theme and lives it. It is so much easier to be full of life and energy when your surroundings reflect and amplify your positive projection. Love Always - Coach J Of the friends you have it is important to have the scholar, the ambitious, the traveled, the outgoing, and the achiever to name a few. Be grateful for the diversity you are able to surround yourself with. If you are not diverse, take a look around and see what areas you have lack of experience or comfort in and get someone in your life that has those strengths. You don't need to be like, them or be in the mix of what they do. Simply have them as a reference for you to call upon should the need arise. They will appreciate having your strengths at their table as well. Keep it positive, keep it strong and growing. Love Always - Coach J You are powerful, ordained, perfect, and limitless in everyway. You do not need justification or validation from anyone else. You need to be true to yourself and the One Living Substance. You were created to rule with divinity. No one on this earth or outside of it can take that from you, nor give it to you. It already resides within. You are never without. Love Always - Coach J Know where you are going but watch your step. I love it when someone sets a huge goal. So monumental so life changing that you are inspired just hearing them share it. What I caution is from having done this as well as having seen other do it - looking too far into the future and not focusing on the current terrain. It is important that you plan the steps that will get you to the destination. Focus on the changing surfaces you must cross to arrive. Imagine you are looking through binoculars at the top of a mountain you are going to climb, so you keep the binoculars to your eyes while you walk up the mountain. As you can imagine there are parts of loose gravel, brush, maybe a river and if you are not watching your step you will have an abusive climb. It is clear for you and I to see this just does not make sense, but people do it all the time. After so many "slips" they simply give up saying the goal was too big. Take calculated steps toward your goal, be aware of the terrain, check in with your binoculars to ensure you are on path, and just keep moving. Love Always - Coach J From a wise and dear friend: As we say "Your realization is more powerful than my instruction." Pay homage to your Celestial influences. Be grateful for their contributions and insights. Thank you friends - all of you. I wish you all were as vocal as Celestial - but in its proper time you will be, I am sure of that. Love Always - Coach J What is the longest trip you have taken? It can be by plane, train, auto or foot. How long did it take you to arrive at your destination? When you arrived how much of it was what you expected and how much of it was different? For better or worse you took the time to journey and experience a new horizon. Most of us look for the outer exploration but how many of us go to the depths of ourselves? By taking the time of self-reflection you can realize there are depths of your thought and understanding that go beyond the outer realms. The search for the smallest particle has scientists just as busy as searching the depths of space. Travel in all directions. The road is unlimited. Love Always - Coach J Children's laughter, blue sky's with wispy clouds, walking barefoot on warm sand, a new book, an audio book, fresh water, an intense workout, a recliner, walking slowly in a warm summer rain until you are drenched to the bone, random memories that make you giggle, reconnecting with an old friend to find them doing well, happy, healthy, beautiful, intelligent children, these are just a few of my favorite things. Love Always - Coach J |
J.N. ScaddenI'd love to hear what makes your day better and share it with the world. Archives
February 2017