Love Always - Coach J
Your foundation are the values you build your life on. You most likely make your life decisions based on your values. This is usually an internal thing. Your platform is what do you express in public to support or expand your views. Facebook is a platform, email is a platform, the words you speak and this website are all platforms. If you think of these mediums as platforms for the world to absorb your expressions and align with your beliefs will you continue to repost everything you read? Or will you consider information and selectively move forward with it? Your platform is your voice whether digital or analog. Take some time today and list out where you "speak" and be clear and strong in your platforms.
Love Always - Coach J
As we draw closer to an age where we will be more and more connected to each other through the use of cameras, internet and social sharing we are faced with a simple need, the need to recharge your battery. I am speaking of your internal battery. If you are always looking for external stimulation you will forget how to give stimulation. Take time with yourself in quiet reflection. Recharge your battery so you can perform at peak states. Go "off line" or spend some downtime to find your inner inspiration. Cultivate it and bring it to the world to shine bright. Love Always - Coach J Hearing about eye glasses that project a visual for you that can access online information is interesting. Personal computers becoming no larger than a cell phone that can project a keyboard on any surface and a screen a few feet in front of the object will be the next steps of this technology. Blue tooth devices reading bone vibration to transmit your voice so you do not need to speak directly into a microphone is intersting. In the end we can build and build and innovate with science in an attempt to imulate the infinate resources of our mind and body. Just looking within is infinite. Outside is the proving and building ground. Some gadgets will never be completely understood while others will continually be upgraded - and cheers to the pursuit of understanding both. Love Always - Coach J If you were born in 1925 and living today how many of the social and technilogical changes we have experienced over that time would you have seen coming? Interestingly enough you may have felt the impression of certain changes and need for growth and even though you were not positive on the specifics of how they would be manifested you may not be completely surprised by our "breakthroughs". Imagine the breakthroughs you can have in your life if you stretch you imagination, stand firm in your belief of yourself and reach for the moon. You could advance your thinking by centuries by being open and seeking knowledge. Here's to a much explored mind in a youthful package. Make the most of your visit here to Earth. Love Always - Coach J When I talk about next to the bed I mean the nightstand or something similar but no furniture is needed to execute this lesson. I discourage sleeping with the TV on or even watching it right before bed. No cell phones parked next to you. If you use one as an alarm clock set it across the room so it is away from you and you have to get out of bed to turn the alarm off. Turn all ringers and alerts off. Enough about what not to do, now what you can do to rest better. Place a notebook and a pen next to your bed - within reach. Capture your highlights from the day and lessons learned before bed. Also write out a few things you are grateful for. In the morning if you've had inspiriation in the night write it out. At leaast glance the things you were grateful for from the night before and add a few to start your day. Clear your head when you get into and out of the bed. Rest well to play well. Love Always - Coach J Unplug your devices. Look around. Next time you have to wait for your lunch or are in a line leave your phone or device in the car. Sit and just be. Leave a little early for a new destination and once you have found it circle the location and expand your radius with each pass. Get to know your surroundings in place of your GPS telling you every move to make. Life is to be experienced and enjoyed. Wake up and breath in life. Love Always - Coach J Air being displaced for us to travel through the clouds. Arriving at a destination thousands of miles away within hours. Making our world bigger and smaller at the same time makes me reflect on a saying "as infinite as the universe (outside of our body) so is our biology (inside our body)." Infinite wisdom and creation for us to explore. Love Always - Coach J Coming from a heavy commute environment (Atlanta, GA USA) I appreciate productivity in my otherwise captive time while commuting. Enter the audio book. I love to read and the audio book has allowed me to be entertained, inspired, and educated during times where I am captive to my commute. Audio Books are a great way to expand your area of thought through the written word spoken. They come in all flavors and varities, try it out - you'll love it! Love Always - Coach J Think of sending a letter via the Pony Express. News to get back to your family across the country that you are expecting a baby. Two weeks or a month later they receive the news. Flash Forward to Skype, Face Time, and just pictures being sent over a cellular device. I have enjoyed moving around the country and have been so grateful for these technological advances that allow my family to see me and my family grow up to the minute. How cool is that?!!! Love Always - Coach J |
J.N. ScaddenI'd love to hear what makes your day better and share it with the world. Archives
February 2017