Love Always - Coach J
To integrate means to pull things together for one process, or to combine so that they become whole. To live a life of integrity is to live one life, honest and transparent in all you do. Be true to yourself and your beliefs and there is never a question of what the right thing to do is. Look to integrate and when it does not fit, discard it. Keep record of it for reference but do not try to fit it into your movement. To live the life of integrity bring all your being to one movement - be whole.
Love Always - Coach J
It is common to look at animals and be in awe of their primal reactive movements. Many times there actions are majestic and poetic. Even when maintaining the natural order of things such as preying on another species their action is never malicious or gluttonous. An animal simply takes what it needs in that moment and moves on. Visualize the picture of a lion resting in a field of gazelles and none of them are running. The lion is not their enemy the hungry lion is. The gazelles have not formed a league to eradicate the lions from the earth and the lions are not trying to "stock up" on gazelles for themselves. The beauty of the animal kingdom is it is all about instant feedback WITHIN natural order. Once you comprehend natural order you can begin to apply your thoughts and actions accordingly and live aligned with the source of creation. Consider this and feel free to comment. Love Always - Coach J It can be tough enough to wake from a slumber to jump out of your bed with enthusiasm but how do you deal with waking to an unexpected event? For example you wake up to your power being out, or a water leak in the house, maybe you or one of your loved ones is ill. So first you wake up and say "This is a great day that I will own!" Then you leave the bed half sleep still convincing yourself that it will be an amazing day and you step into the water from the leak and BAM! your mood changes instantly. When any unexpected even hits I'll ask you to consider this method. Review your roles in life and react from that position. By roles I mean, father, husband, brother, neighbor, coworker - whatever. and go from a victim to a leader within the role you play in relation to the event. You'll find courage to act and a foundation to act from. No longer the selfish person upset by the change and fretting about how this will deter the rest of your day - no - now in this moment you are superhero, husband, son , father, whatever and the rest will fall into place. Nothing better than being able to rise and shine - well maybe except to be aware of how to shine all day long. Love Always - Coach J I wrote a few days back about toddlers hugging their favorite stuffed animals. Today as I dropped off my little one at day care there was a younger girl that had her soft blanket from home she would not let go of as she walked around the center. Now that you are older what is your thing of comfort? I think of my teenagers and immediately think it is their phone. They cling to that for sure. For me - is it my computer? Books? I am not sure and will take some objective feedback on that for clarity. What I do know is we should cling to God, to seek knowledge, gain understanding and apply wisdom. We should cling to spending time and attention with our loved ones. Cling to being gentle and firm at the same time. I ask that we enjoy the external pleasures but squeeze and release them. And definitely do not cling to them. Love Always - Coach J You don't need to slay a dragon, take a village or Kingdom to prove your heart. The brave face themselves, they go inside and ask what all can I be? How great am I willing to be? To speak up against the things, people and establishments that violate their values. The war is won in your own heart once you commit to your values and beliefs and lead with them in mind. You may lead in the boardroom, the street, the classroom, or in your family. Perform a self inventory and check your actions and motivations to see if you are putting the work in to gain the reward you seek. Love Always - Coach J Learning. One of the wisest (and most successful) businessmen I know is also one of the most open to new ideas and perspectives. He is always willing to listen and adapt new strategies or thoughts. He is also willing to draw a hard line when he sees someone heading in a direction that he knows will result in a loss. He is not afraid to speak up or passive by any means, however I have been struck by his open nature. He is like a child in the enthusiasm he brings to learning new things or at least hearing them out each day. No matter his success he's never stopped learning. What a lesson in action. I am grateful I have witnessed it because I have heard this advice before but seeing it in action, having a frame of reference to model is beyond explanation for my ability to accept the lesson. Love Always - Coach J When creating a meal their is a recipe you should follow if you want a desired outcome. Part of that is using the proper ingredients. Substituting salt for sugar will give you an extremely different outcome. What is the meal you are preparing? Is it a strong family, a healthy financial future, a closer relationship with your friends? The ingredients/ things you put into your time will alter the outcome. Do you need to add a little more of an unconditional listening ear? Maybe a steady dose of predetermined money set aside for future saving? Proactively planning time for friend? The slightest ingredient will shape the final outcome. Take a look at the outcome you desire and see if you are adding the correct ingredients and measurements of each to prepare for the cooking time. If the ingredients are not correct they will never withstand the heat of life that it takes to cook your meal. Take a close look at what your plan is, take inventory of the ingredients, add the appropriate measurements, be patient during the cook time and earn the meal that you are cooking. No fast food brings any real nutritional value. Love Always - Coach J |
J.N. ScaddenI'd love to hear what makes your day better and share it with the world. Archives
February 2017