The cleansing of a storm and the calm afterwards. Sometimes the storm is violent and tense. In the moment your senses are heightened and you are alert = completely alive and in the moment. The storm brings us into a focused state only to allow us to appreciate the peace that comes after, the peace we had before the storm but sometimes took for granted. Love Always - Coach J
Have you learned to ask for what you want? Some think asking for a raise or asking for someone to take your hand. I am not even talking that big (for starters). Have you learned the baby steps of asking? It will make those bigger questions easier. It will make your quality of life better. I mean the most simple, "small" things. When there are empty seats on a plane and you want to switch seats - ask. When purchasing something ask if there are any coupons or discounts that can be applied. Ask the waiter to serve that pasta dish on a bed of steamed spinach instead of noodles. Ask, Ask, Ask and you shall receive. You WILL be amazed how your quality of life will change for the better. An awesome resource is The Aladdin Factor by Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. If you truly want to expand your life for the better read this book or listen to the audio book! I have had many travels. My journey has covered friendly and unfriendly territory. I have had houses, townhouses, apartments, sparerooms, and even lived out of a vehicle for a time in my life. These are places, these things are not a home. A home is filled with memories and scents, feelings and emotion. I am grateful to my loved ones for showing me how to create a place called home. No matter what happens to the structure, or where I may roam, I am grateful to have a place to call home. Love Always - Coach J I am grown up now - I am sure of that. I enjoy reading a good book, make a living and contribute to society. I visit art museums, listen to a wide range of music, and basically work on being well rounded and cultured. No matter how grown up I get I still have the childish excitement waiting for the weekend when I know no matter what we do as a family to enrich ourselves or project we have to tackle - that we will close Saturday night with some Coldstone Creamery Ice Cream! Stay Young at Heart - Coach J Remember waking up before your parents, making an overflowing bowl of your favourite cereal and turning on cartoon's or Kung Fu Theater? You were the master of your domain, ruler of the remote and household. Such an empowering feeling of spoil and independence. Man, I remember that feeling and had forgotten about it, honestly never thought I would have that feeling again. I had it today times twenty when I awoke to a sound coming from the living room, my boys wrapped in blankets gorging on cereal watching Saturday morning cartoons. Life is Awesome. J The love of a Good Woman. Mom, Sister, Wife, Friends. There is nothing like the love of a good woman. The support, the insight, wisdom, and sometimes the overall goofyness that comes with the beautiful spirit that are our women. I Love you and thank you for loving me the way you do - Nothing like the Love of a Good Woman. God so loves me that He gave me you...
I glow because of you - Coach J Talking with my son during a hard time I asked him to consider advice once given to me. If we live our life stringing as many consecutive good days together that we can we will soon realize that there are more good days than there are bad. The bad want to stick out and remind us of that moment. Good days can be non-eventful and therefore forgotten. Once we start to acknowledge the good days and empower their consistency they can become great days in our memories and allow us to carry the weight of the "bad" days a little lighter. I am incredibly grateful for the blessing of having a child that will listen whether he is ready for the lesson or not, he respects and values my input. Love Always - Coach J |
J.N. ScaddenI'd love to hear what makes your day better and share it with the world. Archives
February 2017