Yesterday morning as my toddler pondered the consequence of eating the oatmeal placed before him of resting his head on the table for a quick return to slumber he was staring at me, or better said kind of looking through me with an unfocused gaze of someone not fully awake. He then proceeded to make a popping sound with his mouth, like when you are creating a spit bubble and just kind of pop your lips part and have that popping sound. He hit a few different octaves in that sound to which I responded - slowly at first with my own popping sound. Then I switched a few octaves. Then he responded. In my message I told him I love him, he was saying something like I am tired yet this is a fun and strange way to communicate. Those special moments of bonding that you have with family and friends are so intimate they can alter your reality. It made me recall the quote listed below and to encourage each and every one of us that we are restricted by our vocabulary to the volume we may experience life. No need to be eloquent, make a noise of sound of joy, glee, or bliss when you don't know the words to express it properly. Also continue to expand your vocabulary to expand your palate of life experiences.
"The world is richer than it is possible to express in any single language”
– Ilya Prigogone
Love Always - Coach J