Love Always - Coach J
A man saw a youth in danger of drowning so he swam out to him and brought him back to shore safely. The youth replied "Thank you for saving my life sir!" to which the man replied "No worries youngster, just make sure you live a life worth saving."
Love Always - Coach J
Many people start projects, few finish. It doesn't matter how you start, just start. You cannot start with the finish line in sight, and you still start. You do not know the outcome, the bumps along the road, and you still start. Lean into it and start knowing that many start and few will finish. You are one of the strong, the mighty, the few. And when you reach the so called finish line you will find that is simply the starting line for the real winners to move onto the next level of play. Finish what you start, and new doors and opportunities will be open to you.
Love Always - Coach J Light a flame today and see what heights you can go to.
What fuels your passion? What ignites your flame? What can you start today,even if it is small that you can be proud of? Take an action today to impact your future. It starts with small steps. Let it breathe and grow and when you look back 6 months from now you will be proud you took the first step today. Love Always - Coach J When you have worked for it, lived it, and loved it you deserve it. Nothing is given away. Every result is earned. The true winners go out and work their craft day in and day out. The sleep it, breathe it, talk it, and walk it. Your actions will show who you are. Your choices will tell others what is important to you. Your return will match your effort. No one single moment defines you. You have the opportunity to get up again today and keep building on your dream. The beauty is the work, never the destination. Know where you're going and enjoy the ride.
Love Always - Coach J Consider your life and where you stand in life. Think about all that went into you having the firm footing you have. Was it your hard work? The assistance from others? Your research and application of lessons? I am sure it is a mixture of all of the above. You stand firm because of the foundation that was laid. The work that is beneath the pretty flooring everyone sees you standing on is invisible to them. You know the sweat it took to create this foundation. Take your time when building. Use quality tools and equipment. Craft our foundation so it lasts a lifetime.
Love Always - Coach J Where is your focus? At times you may look to the ground beneath you, each step. At other times you may look to the horizon to a future you may not even be able to see, yet daydream about. Know the land you place your footing upon, and dream big with no expectations to the outcome. Simply work towards the vision and watch it work back towards you.
Love Always - Coach J Here's to old friends. The ones that have stood by us through all of our victories and challenges. The ones I have loved unconditionally and fought with vigorously. To the ones that we root for and the ones that inspire us. The ones that we feel pain as well as joy for. The ones we would go up against the world for. The ones we have jokes and secrets that only we understand. Together we stand side by side, youthful in our friendship as the day it was founded. All the best to my long term friends.
Love Always - Coach J Is there a greater honor professionally than for someone to ask you to be a reference or referral for them? The fact that they not only value your input on them professionally, but also that they regard you as an authority or expert with credibility to speak to their performance.
It is an honor to speak on behalf of a friend. It is a privilege to speak professionally on behalf of a colleague. I will match your work and commitment in pursuit of your dreams. I am excited to assist! Love Always - Coach J |
J.N. ScaddenI'd love to hear what makes your day better and share it with the world. Archives
February 2017