Love Always - Coach J
For three days I have heard this quote from three different sources. In relation to the Law of Attraction = "You do not get what you want, you get what you are." Self work first, self work always - the only intent is to be better than you were yesterday. Clear up who and what you are, then focus on what you need/want to fulfill your intentions and watch the "magic" happen.
Love Always - Coach J
I saw a video yesterday of a company that had invested to attend Dave Ramsey's EntreLeadership course in Orlando. As they were boarding the plane the partners commented to each other about the size of the investment they had made to attend this session - financially as well as being away from the business. After a day of attendance they questioned each other if they had paid enough for the value they were receiving. Make wise investments, but always invest in yourself. If you do not continually improve and grow you are equal to dead. Love Always - Coach J Yesterday I broke fast with an intersting man who is plugged into the local as well as global community focued on positive change. This morning I picked up a grass-fed beef delivery from a local farm to our CrossFit box where it was guest day and the house is packed. The positive energy in a peaceful world that is my community is something I am eternally grateful for. Love Always - Coach J I meet the most amazing people. I work within the areas that I have influence over and do not extend my energy to factors outside of my control. I have consistently blessed in abundance of lessons and connections. Focus on the things you can control and make sound decisions. As an immediate lesson think = show me your friends and I'll show you your future. Love Always - Coach J In the winter I like to shift my thoughts of "water cooler" talk to nice "fireside chats". The blanket of snow, the wearing of coats and sweaters along with the closeness that comes with being in a warm buidling brings just seems to make the conversations a little more gentle and caring. It's nice when the elements can bring us closer together, slow us down and help us express our gratitude for one another. Love Always - Coach J "True nobility is not being better than someone else, it is being better than you used to be." Dr. Wayne Dyer Push to better yourself. Resist the urge to judge others. Focus on your strengths and play to them. Identify your weaknesses and lessen them. Br truly noble, self work is the disciple that most avoid, yet it is the most rewarding. When in doubt of where to start - look to serve others first. In that you will find your humility and work towards your nobility. Love Always - Coach J It is really nice to have enjoyable neighbors. At work, at home, in traffic and in the grocery store. Sometimes our energy is disrupted by static but I'll say the more we get into rapport with the good source of energy the more and more our neighbors just tend to be aligned with our intent of great experiences. The low level energy neighbors tend to never be home or away when we are home. I want to be a better neighbor to my family because I am in their presence all the time. Thank God for good neighbors. Love Always - Coach J I love being surrounded by soft pillows a down comforter a good book and the TV remote nearby. I like stay in bed sometimes even after I have awaken and just float in my cloud of comfort that is my bed. The smell of bacon, eggs and sweet potato hash filling the house. As I read and relax my breakfast arrives without warning or expectation. I eat, read some more then fade into a light nap. When you work hard you can truly appreciate the finer points of doing nothing at all! Get rested up my friends, our next jouney begins soon. Love Always - Coach J |
J.N. ScaddenI'd love to hear what makes your day better and share it with the world. Archives
February 2017