Love Always - Coach J
Break-Through Mindset |
![]() For me a friend is someone I can relate with on some level. I enjoy their company and our common ground gives us mutual respect even if we do not align on every level. Friends are a blessing and help us maintain our balance in life. A partner is someone that not only aligns with you but is also willing to invest time, money, or emotions in your cause and you in theirs. Some friends are partners, and some are not. The importance of partners strengthens your foundation and helps propel you to your goals and dreams. Friends cheer you one, partners coach and correct as well as cheer. They jump in when you are fatigued or redirect when you are lost, a friend may just listen to you and be there for you... Keep partners as well as friends. Ask yourself - who are a friend to and who are you a partner with? Look around and determine which is which and appreciate both for what they bring to the table. Love Always - Coach J
![]() If you are looking to be of assistance to someone, or a specific group make sure you have the knowledge and foundation to be able to give without losing yourself. Many times I witness businesses or charities that offer to help too many people or are unfocused in who they will or can help and simply go out of business for not running their operation like a business. You can never be of worth to another until you have established yourself. This can be financially, or emotionally, or intellectually. Trying to extract money from the very people that need your assistance is not a strong business practice. Think about who can support your cause and recognize them as your partners. Those in need of support will be served to the extent you can grow your partner network. There is no such thing as a broke philanthropist. Love Always - Coach J ![]() It's easy to be grateful for the soft and beautiful things like flowers, birds, a sunset or rise, however I'll ask you when was the last time you were grateful for a challenge? Working with some men this week we came across some challenges that had to voiced, raised and cleared. At times during the challenge there was discomfort, confusion or emotions. What made the session successful was that everyone kept asking or speaking until they had an understanding of the others position. The result has been a week of victory by overcoming adversity. And that feels great! Love Always - Coach J ![]() When subatomic particles crash into each other energy is released. When people crash into each other energy is released. Today I had the opportunity to have by vehicle crashed into. It gave me the chance to raise my awareness and be present in that moment. It showed me clearly without a doubt how much I have to be grateful for and that material possessions don't matter in an emergency. What I truly hope is in the dealings with the other person, the police officer, insurance adjusters and all the other people I will come into contact with as a result of this "accident" that I give a great energy to them. Thank you for always showing me the lesson and living through me. Love Always - Coach J ![]() Every morning I have an routine to bring in the day with the most positive energy and insights to make the most of my day. When the people that comprise my inner circle are all having a low energy morning I find myself being drawn into that field and the power feels low. I reach for sources of energy and actually have to take the same advice I give my children. When you are in that space what is one thing (toy, book, song) that makes you feel good? Start there to increase your energy. Find a positive marker and build from there. I have to do it myself from time to time. Stay away from the victim mentality and control what you can. Love Always - Coach J ![]() It is possible to give and still increase, as is it is possible to withhold too much an be in poverty. What are you holding back that you can give? Time, Money, Love, Attention? You get what you give. Are you giving happiness or pain? Don't hold back the gift you were given to share. Love Always - Coach J ![]() Reading Proverbs 6 today I was reflecting on the lesson of the ants. They have no king to direct them, yet they work steadily through summer to have enough for winter. I am reflecting on this now as I not only am always studying and reflecting but on the basic level of preparing meals for the week, ironing for the week, making sure the laundry is set and reviewing the weekly calendar to be most effective in the event of an unscheduled event. Breaking down our larger goals to the actual actions we must take is awesome, but also make sure you are being effective in the most basic principles of life. Food, Shelter, clothing. Love Always - Coach J ![]() Take a quick moment and reflect on your average day. Break your time into a mental pie chart. How much of it goes to work, or career? How much to family? How much to study or education? How much to recreation? How much to rest/relaxation/sleep? Within each slice make sure you are taking care of yourself first. You must be healthy and strong before you can assist another. We should do all we can to assist others, after we've taken care of ourselves first. Find some way to invest in yourself a little each day. What will you do toady - right now to invest in yourself? Love Always - Coach J ![]() It can be tough enough to wake from a slumber to jump out of your bed with enthusiasm but how do you deal with waking to an unexpected event? For example you wake up to your power being out, or a water leak in the house, maybe you or one of your loved ones is ill. So first you wake up and say "This is a great day that I will own!" Then you leave the bed half sleep still convincing yourself that it will be an amazing day and you step into the water from the leak and BAM! your mood changes instantly. When any unexpected even hits I'll ask you to consider this method. Review your roles in life and react from that position. By roles I mean, father, husband, brother, neighbor, coworker - whatever. and go from a victim to a leader within the role you play in relation to the event. You'll find courage to act and a foundation to act from. No longer the selfish person upset by the change and fretting about how this will deter the rest of your day - no - now in this moment you are superhero, husband, son , father, whatever and the rest will fall into place. Nothing better than being able to rise and shine - well maybe except to be aware of how to shine all day long. Love Always - Coach J |
J.N. ScaddenI'd love to hear what makes your day better and share it with the world. Archives
February 2017